Guys, if a video appears instead of a link... ame has done her job. A constant loading or 'video is no longer available' or similar, means that the video isn't able to be embedded because of external settings. The example that didn't work for one user above works with others (including me) regardless of the browser. Ame only swaps out your URL for embed code that you would have gotten from the destination site anyway. It doesnt provide some special flash viewer or special execution method. In fact, if you look at the page source, it should be damn near identical to the destination sites embed code. If youtube allows embedding of the video and it isnt showing for you, I suspect the problem is more to do with your version of flash or your connection to the provider.
As far as where to upload stuff... its simple. There is a folder in the download called 'upload'. In that folder is a folder called 'forums'. EVERYTHING in that folder needs to be uploaded into your forums folder.