listen when i trying to enter my account in wiki i get these messages :
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /mounted-storage/home94b/sub006/sc49471-HPSH/www/maagar/LocalSettings.php:1) in /mounted-storage/home94b/sub006/sc49471-HPSH/www/maagar/includes/User.php on line 1947
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /mounted-storage/home94b/sub006/sc49471-HPSH/www/maagar/LocalSettings.php:1) in /mounted-storage/home94b/sub006/sc49471-HPSH/www/maagar/includes/User.php on line 1950
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /mounted-storage/home94b/sub006/sc49471-HPSH/www/maagar/LocalSettings.php:1) in /mounted-storage/home94b/sub006/sc49471-HPSH/www/maagar/includes/User.php on line 1956
user.php lines 1940-1970 :
PHP Code:
function setCookies() {
global $wgCookieExpiration, $wgCookiePath, $wgCookieDomain, $wgCookieSecure, $wgCookiePrefix;
if ( 0 == $this->mId ) return;
$exp = time() + $wgCookieExpiration;
$_SESSION['wsUserID'] = $this->mId;
setcookie( $wgCookiePrefix.'UserID', $this->mId, $exp, $wgCookiePath, $wgCookieDomain, $wgCookieSecure );
$_SESSION['wsUserName'] = $this->getName();
setcookie( $wgCookiePrefix.'UserName', $this->getName(), $exp, $wgCookiePath, $wgCookieDomain, $wgCookieSecure );
$_SESSION['wsToken'] = $this->mToken;
if ( 1 == $this->getOption( 'rememberpassword' ) ) {
setcookie( $wgCookiePrefix.'Token', $this->mToken, $exp, $wgCookiePath, $wgCookieDomain, $wgCookieSecure );
} else {
setcookie( $wgCookiePrefix.'Token', '', time() - 3600 );
* Logout user.
function logout() {
global $wgUser;
if( wfRunHooks( 'UserLogout', array(&$this) ) ) {
wfRunHooks( 'UserLogoutComplete', array(&$wgUser) );
please help me.. its something with headers that already have sent.. shall i disable one of the functions above ?