Originally Posted by Dragonsys
you can set the number of invites allowed on a per user basis... goto your ACP and edit a user, there is a field where you can input the number or invites they are allowed.
It would be nice if this could be set on a usergroup level though.
Also, I would like to have a way to see what invites my users have sent, who they sent them to, and if they have been accepted, etc...
An Admin Page that showed all of the invites would be nice.
So there is currently no way to track invites? That means I couldn't reward people for inviting new members? Soo...what exactly does this product do then? If there's no administrative control over invites or tracking, why not just have members invite people through vBulletin's default system via email? I can stomach an upper cap on number of invites, but zero tracking or administrative control makes me think this product is completely useless. VBulletin already allows new members to input a username referrer. What exactly does this do again? *boggles*