Originally Posted by vissa
What exactly does the
"Points for views on other user's attachments" mean?
Does it give me points for viewing someone else's attachment? Or does it give me points when another member views an attachment on a thread I created (an attachment another user added)?
That is for the Hack "Who Downloaded This Attachment"
Originally Posted by ZGeek
W00t! Gift giving is awesome! But can it be setup so you can purchase items from the shop directly for other people?
I don't think this will come.
Originally Posted by LittleB@
Suggestion, I really like the shopping and it would be nice to see an award based on how many points a user spent on buying items if you get my idea? 
Nice idea, yes.
Originally Posted by LittleB@
also, I'd love to see more awards, for example a way to see who is the most frequent user of the "Rate this topic" function - man the possibilities are endless, great stuff u came up with here! <3
You can use CDP to collect that points and do an award for it.
Originally Posted by ogameclub
product_vbexperience3717 and product_vbexperience3718BETA2 plugin are discordant for "vBulletin 3.8.0 Beta 1".
Yes, I have to test it before I will release it also for 3.8
Originally Posted by demonVapor
I have a user setup that use to test features regular users have. I went to the control panel and put in the user name and saved. When I tried to load the vBexperience page from the nav, I get a database error. I also get an error if I try to do a recount. I will show the following error message devoid of the domain name which is replaced with asterix***:
You will have to enter the UserID, not the Username.