Great work so far m8 and with the ELO systeam being added this is turning out to be a GREAT mod.
I have a other segestion for you:
Must leagues and cups now use xraygaming (aka xray anti cheat)
on there site there is a php code that will allow you to link your xray profile to your website.
Is there anyway you can add this in as well so when a use registers he must submit his profile info as well but you the opiton of turning it off.
Also be it be nice so that it will say his info so that he dont have to keep typing it in ever time to play a cup but be able to edit it if needed.
Here is the code that on the site
// Grab the link to a user's XAC Screenshot profile
$guid = 'GUID GOES HERE'
$xacprofile = "User has never used X-ray Anti-Cheat";
if (strlen($guid) == 40)
$xacurl = file_get_contents("" . $guid);
if (strlen($xacurl) > 0 and $xacurl != "NONE")
$xacprofile = "<a href=\"" . $xacurl . "\">Click here to view</a>";
For more info you can see
But this would be a GREAT added and i am sure a lot of other people would like to see this added