I was using flash chat for 2 year intergreted with vbulleting having no problems at all.
Last 2 weeks when i upgrated my bulleting from 3.6.8 to 3.7.3 my flash chat is working but is giving me an error message.
when i want to check the profile of a member i received this
Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing
Writting to the Chat site i realizes that the problems is from bulletin site.
The basic problem is that Flashchat uses the http POST method to get to the member profile page, this falls foul of vbulletins CSRF protection, hence the error message. The proper fix is for Darren to alter Flashchat to use the http GET method.
I do not want oto use the latest version beacuese i tied it and was causing me other problems .
Can any you help me to solve this problem.