The first post has pm17a1.php, download it, rename it to pm.php and upload it to your admincp/ folder, run as SUPER administrator directly in the browser.
pm.php (just this file, is for vbulletin 3.5.x)
pm17a1.php (just this file, is for vbulletin 3.6 - 3.7 - rename before using)
product-readpm.xml (addon: for cpnav readpm for 3.7)
cpnav_readpm.xml (addon: adds left menu in the top for 3.7 to pm.php)
Note: this is version 1.7.alpha.1 for vBulletin 3.7.3 PL1 and meant for testing only.
Find a bug? Report it.
Find a security issue? Report it.
Alpha 2 or Beta 1 will be out early November when I hope to have time to work on a few things. Sorry for the delays - I really wish I knew that I would be this busy in October *grrrrrrr*