Originally Posted by smacklan
Until you actually operate your own business, invest your money and time into developing and supporting a product, you really have no way of knowing what it takes. Saying someone charges too much for what they sell is understandable, but lets get real...you either pony up or you don't...getting pissed at what someone charges is rather pointless. Good business people know what they have to charge to remain competitive and still turn a profit.(that is what it's all about, afterall) In regards to people here not churning out quality stuff for free, well I have to say alot of that has to do with what Brad and Dean said but on the flip side, this place is full of leechers who show up here expecting to get the world handed to them on a silver platter for free...life just doesn't work that way. In regards to pirates, they are nothing more than punk thieves with huge ego's. Total wastes of oxygen who will never amount to anything worthwhile in life.
People who have never taken that leap of faith will ever fully appreciate that concept.
The market will support whatever people are willing to pay - charge too much and you won't make much money. Charge too little and you might never make a profit.
Originally Posted by The Geek
No commercial moders are driving new Ferrari's from their scriptlets
Yo! Seriously, all I could ever afford was a bunch of Dodge Vipers. Ferraris are for the vB folks.