Originally Posted by Queball_Beast
Any Idea when we`ll be able to move the Stand alone ladder tables into the Combined mod to allow use of 1 mod instead of 2? 1?
**Thanks, There is no Rush at all..Just asking**
Attached (haven't tested file as I have uninstalled ladders2008)
Any problems just post here.
Originally Posted by Chris11987
Are there any plans on creating two files, on "tournament.php" and "ladder.php" to sort of separate the directory for ladders and tournaments. Personally, I just don't really care for ladders being under a file called "tournament".
You could rename the file to something else 'competitions.php'?
Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU
seems to be missing from the file package (wouldn't load, couldn't find it so jacked from your demo site. lol)
Ladder combined script with tournaments is great... but since I upgraded...
creating new ladders doesn't create a new thread 
The image tree_ltr.gif came with vBulletin i downloaded so it should be on your forum. atm, only tournaments create new thread.
Originally Posted by BlackLava
I still have something strange there... Got 2 screenshots now :
1) this is the normal setup I think, I can see tournaments competitor and can delete those through the small icon (only 3 players registered there => I can see them!)
2) this is the "bugged" version, when more than 10 competitors are in the list disappear and I can't remove players (they can't remove themselves neither, here I have 25 registered players so far) :
Is there a fix or is it me who's got a wrong setup somewhere?
Thanks a lot
Not sure about this, I'll have a look into it.