First off, voted for MOM. I've told you before but I've been waiting years for a decent script like this.
I've reported this one before but if you turn on redirect messages in vB Options - Cookies and HTTP Header Options - Remove Redirection Message Pages - No
You get this error when submitting certain commands on tournament.php "Could not find phrase ''. redirect message"
Also noticed a few styling issues, might just be me. The edit button goes to the default image directory not the dynamic skin directory. When removing a team from a tournament it refers to them as "player" a bit confusing.
1. Map & Gametype Randomizer
2. Cut off date for signups - If the max number of players/teams isn't reached by a certain date registration closes and the tournament starts on the scheduled date regardless of if enough players have joined.
3. Notifications, I would love love love too see things added to vb 3.7 notification system. Such as request for players to join your team or to approve a win/lose etc..
4. Full ability to edit tournament details. I hate clicking the + or - to change the slots, give me all the editable options on one nice and neat page. When setting the time don't make it GMT+0 make it the tournament creaters time zone.
5. Ability to close comment system on a tournament
6. Ability for teams/players to report a win or lose and have a tournament mod OR the opposing team/player confirm.