Do you make money from your forums? Do you intend to make money from them? Do the paid features that you need help you make money? Would your members be happier by you spending some cash or taking some donations to get a new must have feature?
Did you answer yes to any of the above?
If you make money from someone else's hard work, they in return should have the same right to charge something for their time and your new found success.
The only point I may agree with you on is Encryption, but that is their right to if they want to and I didnt read your explanation for why you hate it, but personally If i can't see whats being ran on my server/hosting account chances are good it doesn't need to be ran. I know of atleast 2 vBulletin products I'd love to have but refuse to purchase because of encryption, but I'm not throwing a fit like a 12 year old over it.