Originally Posted by Dean C
Remember not everyone has free time. I contributed most to this community when I was a lot younger, still at school and college (a good amount of years ago now). I didn't have to pay bills, or pay for food to put in my mouth and I had an abundance of free time. But times change, and now I have to support myself, pay for my education and pay my rent and utility bills etc.
I could sit around coding all day to give you guys something for free, or I could sit around all day coding something and make some money to support myself and avoid getting into debt.
Go figure which one I choose, and also note that a lot of the people on here have far more to support than I do. There's a lot of coders on here who have families to support. Do you expect them to give up their work for free too? 
[high]* Brad agrees with Dean[/high]
It was easier to find the time to contribute when I was younger...these days I'm getting up at 5am everyday and not coming home til 6pm at night. In other words even if I wanted to sit down and make some of the ideas in my head reality I would not be able to find the time.
Personally I've also moved in to other/harder things. For example I didn't feel my php skills were that great because I relied on the vBulletin source code for so long. So I decided to stop working with vBulletin and start learning php again from the ground up. I've also moved into C# and C++ and am currently working on a video game with a friend/classmate in my free time. Outside of programming I'm doing other things; Editing video, Networking, Tech support for more people then I care to count, becoming a better cook, driving and racing cars for fun and of course chasing any women that catch my eye.
Basically what needs to happen is a younger group of guys and girls will have to come in to the fold. There will always be a turnover here when it comes to the people posting modifications/styles, they will all need replacing at some point or another. We all can't sit around on our collective asses all day after all...damn I hate begin an adult.