i did not even bother read your text all along... too long.. lol
I founded a complete free-for-all project once... it is called PostNuke ... you know it, everybody know it. Everybody was free to contribute, share and download all and everything, and our license was forcing everybody to release their addons for free, no possibility to have paid scripts inside the community.
After 6 month of development, it was come obvious that the plans to make it free were absolutely stupid. after no long, a bunch of geeks with no real knowledge of efficient coding were releasing addons and products for postnuke, and they flooded the market. the reason? there was no protocol -- we had one internally, but as the doors were opened,, imagine!
i've quit that project after 8 months of development *(version was 0.71 at that moment) ... and 6 years after, they are still at version 0.8 or something... they renamed themselves Zikula -- i suppose it's because of the past reference to a trashcan called postnuke!... but see, they decided to go "pro" to make a statement -- enough morons.
the internet is not a platform for free distribution. it's a reflect of the real life, where you have free and non-free stuff. you can have a car in various flavors... Lada, Peugeot, Ford, Ferrari... you decide what kind of finance you will invest to have four wheels under your seat. free cars ?!