Originally Posted by R1lover
You might want to do some math... lol unless you created the net as we know it today..  oke
Why would 21 years ago be hard to understand? The first time I accessed the Internet was almost fourteen years ago when I was living in Japan. I was stationed there and we had just gotten it on base (even though I was attached to ship at that time). Even back then, there was a lot out there (not near as much as now but still enough that it was time-consuming to search - and leave dial-up jokes out hehe).
I've used davidw, davidwebb, davidawebb, and hyperthreadz (this one I've used for several years (since hyperthreading was commercialized for Intel chipsets - long story, don't ask - I won't bother). However, there have been variants of my u/n that I've not been able to register and haven't been associated with me.