Originally Posted by steveyos666
How do I bump a thread? When I reply to threads I'm the last to reply to, it just edits it into my last post and doesn't bump the thread.
That's because they don't like you to bump threads here. From the Global Rules:
- No "Bumping" (Your threads/posts): Please do not repeatedly bump your threads to try and get attention. Most members of the site are not online 24 hours a day and so will not see your post the instant it is made. Do not bump a thread within 24 hours, and not more than twice a week.
- No "Bumping" (Other?s threads/posts): Before replying to a thread, take notice of the last post date. Try and avoid replying to posts more than 6 months old. If you have a similar question and cannot find the answer, create your own thread. Generally speaking, due to the progression of vBulletin development, a post more than 6 months old is more than likely going to be for an older version of vBulletin.