Originally Posted by Digital Jedi
What we need is a thread explaining some of these usernames.
I'll answer mine here:
legionofangels - use this typically everywhere, just the website name.
legionofangels2 - I forgot my original password at vb.com so I made a new account and put the number 2 after it.
Elizabeth - my 2nd ex-fiance's middle name, and the name of one of the characters I created of the Demonic Hordes, as you can see all of them in this thread:
I only use the name if I don't want a forum or website to know who I am or where I'm from.
erythromycin - a medicine I used to take, my old deviant art account name, now I use legionofangels at deviant art.
Old account:
New account:
Cobain - I used to use this at my 2nd forum ever, thefinalfantasy.com, however I had them change it to Omega.
Stone Cold - my s/n for years at a website called ffimpulse.com, it was later changed to empyron.com which is now owned by the starter of this thread. I never visit that site anymore.
Omega - I only use this 2 or 3 places I think.
Kain - my favorite final fantasy character is Dragoon Kain from my favorite final fantasy which is Final Fantasy IV. Only used once ever, my first forum, Worlds Apart, one of the largest FF forums out there, however my account was deleted after 2 weeks even though I had made posts when I made my account, 2 weeks no posts they deleted my account, I never went back.
scorpion_666 - my photobucket account and my old account at midway.com of which I don't know how to adjust my msn settings so that it will send me an email for password reminder. It's just in reference of my favorite Mortal Kombat character, Scorpion.
Mystery - again, at places where I don't want them to know me, and my new name at midway forums.