Originally Posted by DJDrew
Does anyone have any idea why I have the "Downloads and links" title with nothing in the table, then I have the table underneath with all the catagories in. Please ask if you don't understand
You mean it looks like the attached? That's how it's designed to look.
The table at the top is used to contain the name of the current category. At the base level, this is considered to be the product itself, i.e. Links and Downloads Manager. After a search, it is the title Search Results. The table then contains the category's full description (which at the base level is empty), and possibly some accompanying information such as the current user's allowances, etc. It is possible to disable display of this table at the base level - it requires a small edit to the links_main template, which I think I have explained earlier in this thread.
The second table lists all the categories which have the current category as their parent.
If you are in a category with entries, there is then another table containing the category's entries.
and so on.