Couple of suggestions. I haven't installed the latest releases (I don't want to put the ladder part in until you get the ELO rankings in, or something similar). I read through to see if these had just been put in and didn't see them, so I apologize if I missed them.
On my site we host our official site tournament plus we allow members to host their own tournaments. Would it be possible to allow for some sort of distinction between the two? Maybe allow tournaments that have been marked as official tournaments to show up in bold, and then have links where members can view all official tournaments or view all member tournaments. You could then just add an admin option to allow different usergroups/users to host official tournaments. I hope that makes sense.
Another is to allow team leaders to appoint other team leaders, or maybe team captains or something similar, and also give them the power to enter teams in tournaments and such. Oftentimes teams have multiple leaders, and if there can only be one team leader, and he isn't available for some reason, it would suck for the team to not be able to enter.