Tested Shadowbox today and discovered many cool things (unfortunately no solution to the U.S. financial crisis

). Only 1 major bug, 2 minor bugs, and 3 feature requests:
Note: I tested in LDM-2.2.9-post1, which required edits to a LDM php file. For 2.2.9-post1, the local_links_include.php file was missing 2 functions, ldm_extra_is_loaded & ldm_extra_has_loaded, so I copied those functions into the file from 2.3.0-alpha1. Also, I had to insert ?global $ldm_extras_loaded; $ldm_extras_loaded = array();? into the ldm_general_init() function.
Awesome Bug Fixes: Wooowww, you are amazing Mr. AndrewD ? your Shadowbox plugin fixed these 2 nasty bugs:
Bug report: IE popup errors when loading files > 5 MB & SERIOUS CONFLICT with media players & Yahoo script used by VB I assume that since only the jukebox template is loaded in Shadowbox and not the whole webpage, the Yahoo event script that conflicts with Firefox 2 is not loaded, so the players appear. For the IE error popups bug, don?t know how it was fixed but I?m sure glad it?s gone!
Videos Galore: Tested Shadowbox with 14 different video filetypes and codecs (Windows, Quicktime, Real & Flash) ? absolutely no problems!
Audio Pleasure: Tested Shadowbox with 6 different audio filetypes and codecs (Windows, Quicktime, Real & mp3) ? absolutely no problems!
Major Bug: Shadowbox does not display full-size images (magnifier link) for all image filetypes (jpg, png, gif, etc.). The Shadowbox pops up, but no images are displayed ? this occurs in both IE7 & Firefox 2. Could it be that the links_imgpage template is missing (I can?t find it anywhere, even in LDM 2.3.0-alpha1) so the image is not displayed? If not the case: to help debug, the Image Resizer mod can use its Shadowbox to display all images in LDM pages.
Minor Bug: When viewing a category?s entries list, clicking on an image thumbnail will show the full-size image in a new webpage. Can you fix it so that the full-size image shows in Shadowbox?
Minor Bug: Since JWPlayer is no longer set to play swf files, the video is not shown in Shadowbox. But users with Adobe Flash Player installed can still view the swf video in a new page when the entry?s link is clicked. Can you fix it so that the swf video shows in Shadowbox?
The ?open_musicbox_newwindow? setting must be enabled or else you?ll get the whole webpage embedded in the Shadowbox, which looks weird.
Shadowbox integrates fine with your flash-sites extra plugin.
Feature Request (luv this feature): when the WMP player is shown in the Shadowbox, there are ?+? & ?-? buttons below the player that can be clicked to enlarge or reduce the size of the player/ video. However, it appears only when the WMP player is used and only in IE7 ? can you enable those buttons for Firefox and all other players (Quicktime, Real, Flash)? If it?s just a WMP feature, then can you enable it for Firefox also?
Feature Request: For the Filmstrip extra plugin, clicking on the image thumbnail takes the user to a page displaying just that one entry. There?s already a link below the thumbnail that links to the same single-entry page, so can you enable the Shadowbox to show the full-size image when the thumbnail is clicked? I know the magnifier link will do this, but it?s more user-friendly to also have the thumbnail link activate Shadowbox.
Feature Request: Currently I think you have the media players embedded in the jukebox template which is embedded in the Shadowbox.
Can you provide an option so that Shadowbox just shows the media player without the jukebox template? Also, if full-size images are embedded in a template, can you do the same for images? There?s 2 advantages to this: 1. the presentation looks cleaner (check out the demo movies on Shadowbox webpage for examples), and 2. the viewing is more streamlined because the user can navigate between entries within a category without leaving the Shadowbox (check out the ?Mixed Content Gallery? demo in Demos > Movies on Shadowbox webpage).
Question: what templates does Shadowbox use for the media players and enlarged images?
Thanks a lot Andrew for this wonderful plugin to your already awesome LDM mod!