Originally Posted by Paul M
BTW, Just out of interest, since most are fairly specialised mods for this site, which would you consider as useful ?
Latest forum poll on any non-vb page.
I mean I know we don't get along all the time but Paul, do a search on Poll or Poll Page, or something, this has been asked for several times on both .com and .org. The only one that offers this currently is vbadvanced, yet .com and .org do not. If everyone uses vbadvanced we lose the originality of custom websites and boards out there, making cookie cutter front pages.
We really need that one.
I like your Chief First Post concept but that's been modded, more importantly is the notices under a thread looking like ( see attachment )
But you've given the best reasoning as to why they are not released, I didn't know they were all tied together and I'm sure those little notices are tied deep into the system, but the poll one is probably releasable and would help a lot of sites.