Originally Posted by nexialys
one of the best thing that could occur would be to release all the existing useful hacks that are behind the scene
Most of the modifications at vb.org will never be released because they are all linked together, they are not "seperate" bits then can just be packaged up and released. For instance, all the functions are in one file, most of the plugins are in one main product, there is one misc_actions file that many actions/forms call. We dont have the time to split them all up, package them, release them - and of course, maintain and support them.
Also, one or two are modified versions of existing mods that would require permission to release them from the original author - others were written by staff who have now left, and would (I think) need their permission to release.
BTW, Just out of interest, since most are fairly specialised mods for this site, which would you consider as useful ?