Brilliant script! a lot of people have been waiting for something like this and I think the commercial ladder script vendors should be very worried. My only issue so far has been when clicking on a player to challenge them the player challenging gets the error message: "Please complete both the subject and message fields." the challenge is still made though but it will cause users some confusion. Sorry if this has been reported - I read the first 18 pages of this thread
My suggestions/wish list
- Players get a PM when challenged - this will stop challenges laying dormant should the ladder run for some time and players don't regulalry visit.
- Admin ability to set points scored for wins, draws and losses in a ladder
- Admin ability to restrict the number of places a challenger can challenge above him, i.e in a 20 player ladder you may want to restrict the challenges to 5 places above the challenger
- Rules page - yes I know its coming but I thought I'd just add my 2 cents