Originally Posted by yotsume
You have stretched your theme and broke your layout. To fix what you have done already your "WDB Construction" block needs to be in the center not in the right column or you will need to decrease the size of the photo. Then you will need to fix your "WDB Friends" block. The thumbs are also stretching your page off to the right. It needs to be coded so your thumbs in that block show on two rows not just one or you will need to decrease the amount of thumbs that show to prevent breaking your page layout.
My block on the left is one of the few that actually shows nicely on your page already. :up: I also suggest you edit the FlashChat files to name your chat correctly in the new window to match your WDB Chat link name.
Thank you so much for your advice!
I'm actually working towards eliminating the left hand column altogether to try and fix things up a little better.
That's why I originally wanted to combine your mod with the 'online users' in one block to put it next to each other horizontally and put it in one of the two columns.
I haven't had a chance to look specifically at these issues for the last week and a half because I'm launching a social networking site for Disney fans and I've been busy with that one
Thanks again for taking the time for the advice though...I appreciate it!