Thanks Sam, all these critics are important to me, thanks for the details.
some of the details are out of my control, example:
1- the login button is part of the original theme, i will fix it anyway.
2- Share and Enjoy is a plugin of wordpress, i do not plan on editing it as it's updated often, but anyway, their print icon will be disabled, nobody print anymore these days!
i'm with you on the color scheme, i was unsure of what would be the final color, but you are right... it gives me help on deciding which... blue?!. .lol
typo corrected in the right nav, but i have a ton of typos, i'm french first, was teached english by a scotish, imagine the mix. (a chinese cow would have been the same). the bg of the right nav was not activated because i did not know yet what would be the global color .. i will see the result by playing with the theme.
favicon, damn, forgot it.. lol
and the links, sure they will fixed, i have to finish these details... it's a beta theme, as said and indicated in the header... if i forget nothing, it would be a perfect beta, so i would need no critics.. lol
oh, and FF3, on PC... have to install that, IE 8 too... i have just added Windows Vista Ultimate on my other Mac for testing the look (and play a little Halo 2 game) ... i will check that side of the dark world too...