vBulletin Blog 2.0.0 Beta 2
After running Blog 2.0.0 Beta 1 here on vBulletin.com since last month, we're ready to do the first public beta release. Any customer with an active Blog license can now download the beta.
We'd like to thank everyone that has provided suggestions and feedback or reported a bug for the Blog. Almost all of the new features in this version were added specifically because of your requests. We're sure you like the improvements. Not every requested feature has been added as we have to balance time versus benefit.
Some of the new features in Blog 2 include:
- Blog Customization - users may customize their blogs in the same manner that they can customize their user profiles (introduced in 3.6).
- Group Blogs - users may allow other users to post to their blog.
- Sidebar Blocks - users may create custom blocks to display in their sidebar. These blocks can be rearranged by drag and drop.
- Custom Pages - users may create custom pages to be displayed in their blog.
- Tags - tag support has been included.
- Featured Entry Manager - multiple entries can be featured on the blog home page now.
- Private Entries - users may set specific entries to be private while leaving their blog open.
- Admin Categories - admins may define categories now.
There are many more new features and enhancements included. You can read more details in my in my
Note: You must be running vBulletin 3.7.3 or later to install any Blog 2.0.0 Beta/Stable release!
Significance of a Beta Release
This is beta software. If you are not fully at home with backing-up and restoring your forum, dealing with bugs and regular upgrades, do not install this beta version.
Customers should bear in mind that this is a public beta, not a certified 'stable' release so the following caveats apply:
- Beta software is unsupported and you install beta versions at your own risk.
- Some known minor bugs remain unresolved at this time, so beta software should not be on production sites.
- Some unknown major bugs may exist, if you do not wish to be surprised by them, don't install this beta.
- You should always back up your database fully before attempting to install beta software.
- If you choose to install this version, you should be aware that we plan to release new beta versions in rapid succession as bugs are fixed and holes are plugged. Do not install this beta version if you are not willing or able to keep up-to-date with new releases.
About Blog
vBulletin Blog is a fully featured blogging add-on that enables community members to create their very own online blogs within vBulletin. Giving members a place to post thoughts, ideas and musings will keep users returning to the community again and again, and advanced administration features allow forum owners and moderators to keep control and integrate Blog into vBulletin’s existing look and feel.
vBulletin Blog makes it simple for community members to create their own space within the community. Getting started is as simple as posting the first message (using the same familiar vBulletin editor). There is no lengthy setup process - blog owners are free to personalise their blog at any time by defining a title and a description that will appear at the top of every blog post.
Please do not use this thread for support questions.