Installed on test server and all seems to be working as expected, a couple of questions/suggestions:
- After you signup you are told to go visit the "F1 Team Manager" where is the link for this?
- On signup the mod asks for a firstname/lastname this seems to be used on the Leaderboard, can this be changed in the templates without breaking the mod?
- It would be useful if on the "View Race Info" ACP page it showed which results points have been awarded or maybe disable the "Award Points" link
EDIT : A couple of phrase "bugs":
On resign page:
"Many thanks for being a member of are league, And all the best to you."
Should be:
"Many thanks for being a member of our league, and all the best to you."
On signup page (if the user has already signed up):
"If you need to make changes to your chooses then goto F1 Team manager."
should be:
"If you need to make changes to your choices then goto F1 Team manager."
On the "Race Top 3" & "Constructors" boxes on the left:
Winner, Second, 3rd
Should really be:
Winner, Second, Third
EDIT: Couple of other bugs:
When deleting race results you get the following phrase error:
"Could not find phrase 'mmfantasyleague_raceinfo_deleted'."
The constructor image for BMW Sauber points to:
it should be