Originally Posted by dazkeirle View Post
ok guys.
First: Anyone with a linux box, in the js file remove the "/" before clientscript in the source for the css and the loading gif. That will allow those to load.
Second: anybody noticing these display different by default on IE and firefox, It's because the line is added as a class to a break (<br>) instead of a div. Change to a div and all should be well.
I've installed the tabbing. And it looks nice: http://www.mygreatphone.com/forum
Only comments would be:
a) I'd really like it if i could add individual forums to a tab and not just categories.
b) A simple bit of code to show all cats (for my everything tab, instead of having to add everything)
c) The forums no longer show how many are viewing each forum, that would be a really welcome thing to have back, and may even be a deal breaker to whether i use this in the long term.
d)Would be great if it would degrade gracefully, so if no JS or ajax, that it loads the default or other non tabbed style.
Anyway, good for a work-print add-on, but a bit to go before it's perfect (ie. features not working like number viewing and lack of degradation.)
Thank you for the constructive feedback.. much appreciated..
a) This will be possible with the new version (the final release, not the beta). You will be able to use the recent threads module with the beta to pull this off in the mean time.
b) This is an ACP Option with version 2 as well as user group permissions for each tab.
c) This is "fixed" in version 2 as well as Mark Forums Read.
d) as addressed above, this is something that has been in our plans and is being currently looked into as a high priority.
Great news my friend all round.
I have since had another thought that would enhance the product.
The issue with the tabs being there is there's now no longer a front page status showing what threads have been updated and that contain new posts.
So what I'd suggest is instead of say my tabs saying:
Handsets | Networks | Info etc.
They say:
Handsets(2) | Networks(6) | Info
So basically any tabs which contain forums with new posts, the number of new posts is collated and displayed on the actual tab.
Hope that makes sense.
Else the only thing i see as a problem is that the frontpage tabbed section gets all the attention and nobody ever updates the other sections.
Food for thought.