Has anyone else noticed a big increase in spam bot postings and registrations today?
Today on two of my vb installations I've had 100+ posts from multiple spam accounts. Up until today I've never really got too much spam, because my boards aren't too big.
My boards @ jayscountry.ca pretty much never had a spam bot register or post, but today I've been flooded. 4 spam bots are online right now:
Currently Active Users: 8 (5 members and 3 guests)
View Who's Online
Most users ever online was 63, 12-05-2007 at 01:23 PM.
Erik, Juscuptuppobe, plupierly, TetrySozy, vaniaandkicig
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Two spam accounts had 24 posts... easy enough to remove the posts and ban... but then there were 15+ spam accounts with 1 post.
Any suggestions for anti-spammage and mass account removal?