I'm trying to convert all my media tags to ame tags, but can't seem to get it working correctly. First off, I just went back a week for safety reasons.
I went to Tools->Convert Codes and entered "media" (no quotes or brackets) into the Codes box. Then, in the Conversions box, I entered "\1" (again, no quotes or brackets). This converted all of the media tags to url tags.
I didn't know what to do at this point, because I thought this would have converted my media tags to the ame tags that AME uses... So, I tried to Rebuild my old posts and had the following settings:
Remove [ame] codes => no
Ignore previous => yes
Test mode => no
Verbose => no
How far to go back => 1 week
Per page => 100
Seconds per page => 10
First of all, there's some sort of nasty bug with this, because after I clicked Save, there were 27 pages that the system tried going through, 24 of which were past 1 week.
That aside, I didn't see any of the url tagged posts get converted to ame tags.
What am I doing wrong??