Originally Posted by ATVTorture
Sweet, installed and it works great. How can we edit the border around the video to match it to our own colors?
You can edit the embeding-Code in class_youtube.php
Originally Posted by TimberFloorAu
Well decided to give this mod a go.
1. error
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/includes/class_dm_video.php on line 152
2. reuploaded the class_youtube.php to the correct folder which I think should be videoserviceapi and not videosharingapi as suggested.
Still doesnt work..
All permissions set correctly.
Any ideas?
Reimport the Video-Hosters via the ACP.
Originally Posted by TimberFloorAu
Okies, have issue with Comments.
The entered comment is too short. You have entered 0 characters, there are 4 necessary.
Says minimum 4 required?
Any suggestions
Try this:
Open includes/class_dm_videocmment.php and replace all instances of vbstrlen with strlen.
Let me now if it works.