I would like to run a MotoGP fantasy league, as the MotoGP structure is very similar to F1 (i.e. constructors, riders, points etc) would it be feasible to rephrase the mod to use MotoGP terms?
Yes this could be used for the motoGP if it works the same way.
You can make a copy of this script and rename the info so it would work for you and rename the database tables.
Is it possible to run multiple fantasy leagues? It would be great if I could run a MotoGP and an F1 fantasy league at the same time on the same site.
Yes this can be done if you do what i put in the the top reply
- If somebody signs up mid season, do they get allocated points from previous races?
No they would not they would only get the points from when they signed up.
How does the mod handle season to season driver/constructor changes. For example, if Coulthard is retiring at the end of this season so he will go and a new driver will come in, so if somebody is looking through old races/seasons will Coulthard still be there if he has been removed from the existing season.
At this time this can only run 1 season at a time but plans to have multi seasons
Is there anything to handle temporary drivers? For example if De La Rosa stands in for Hamilton at a race what would happen if he won?
Not at this time no
After you signup you are told to go visit the "F1 Team Manager" where is the link for this?
This has not been added just yet but wanted to get a working version of this out to see if there was intrest.
On signup the mod asks for a firstname/lastname this seems to be used on the Leaderboard, can this be changed in the templates without breaking the mod?
You can change this to anything like a username or players name anything you want.
It would be useful if on the "View Race Info" ACP page it showed which results points have been awarded or maybe disable the "Award Points" link
Thats a good idea so when its been run it would not let you award these points again.
A couple of phrase "bugs":
These have been noted and will be changed
These will be fixed soon
Thankyou for this info i will sort some of this out and post a new update within a week as im in the prosess of moving.