I have come across a particular need for my forum to reduce early bumping and such issues. After extensive searching, I came across mods that were for Administrators or Moderators, and were not the mod I needed. Then I came across Tubedogg's - Bump without Post (Any Authorized User Version) mod:
and later kira's update:
Results from my search showed that there have been quite a few people who have publicly asked about a bump button or something similar. If possible, would someone be able to update Tubedogg's - Bump without Post (Any Authorized User Version) mod? I would be extremely grateful if this mod was updated to version 3.7.x, especially because the mod is ideal for my site.
As a note, I specifically need the version that is designed to allow any authorised member to perform the bump. Also, I have already tried contacting the creator.
If anyone is willing and able to do this update please contact me either here or by e-mail or MSN using the address: