hello folk's,
i would like to upgrade vom my old version (3.0.x) to the newest version of VB.
but i've an adult board and i must close it for kids because the law in germany very strong. it's ok for me and the right way to save our kids ...
my problem is that i use this wonderful hack:
"Allow Group to Read Titles / Not Content BY Princeton"
but this hack is'nt availible for newer version of vb. i like to setup my board to let the people see what titles are in it, but dont read the content if the user not registered AND dont have go through the age verification. so kids are save and adults can see if this board are interest for there.
is there any way to build a hack or product or so for the newest version of VB? or has anybody another idea to realize this?
thanks a lot for answer me and ... sorry for my bad english ;-)
best regards,