I use Floatbox and have a question. The first time I enter a post which has multiple inline photos and click on the first image it expands and shows a previous and next buttons at the left and right edges of the image. When I click to the second image the previous and next buttons no longer show up. Can this be change so the previous and next buttons always show when you mouse over the images?
Attached is a screen shot of the nice next button. To bad it only shows up once! I need this to be on all the images every time. This is the same in Firefox or IE so its either a bug or a code setting. I hope its a code setting we can change???
Ok sorry for the post but maybe this will help others: I found my own answer by going to the developers website for Floatbox. All the settings are described on the developers site: Floatbox Options
There is an option to show only once the nav buttons or always or never:
showUpperNav - 'always'|'once'|'never'