There were some bugs in the flash-sites extras plugin, so I decided to debug them. There are a total of 10 video sites whose videos can be embedded. Here are the fixes:
1. Added ?transparent? wmode to all flash sites so videos can be played in Firefox 2.
2. Changed allowScriptAccess from ?always? to ?sameDomain? to reduce security risks.
3. Added 4 missing icons for supported video sites.
4. Added Spike video site. Actually, this is a pattern & embed fix for the iFilm site, which was bought by Spike so iFilm is not accessible.
Known Issues:
DailyMotion & ThatVideoSite embedding do not work. VSocial works, but has limited use since it?s a paid service.
Request: Andrew, can you debug the DailyMotion pattern matching so videos can be embedded (no rush, not a top request)?
Included in zip file (for release with the next LDM version):
flash-sites-plugin.xml ? no change
sample-test-videos.xml ? changed iFilm link to Spike link
readme.txt ? added note about above known issues
local_links_flashsites.php ? fixed 4 bugs mentioned above
icon folder ? added 4 more icons
To install, read the readme.txt file?. that's what it?s for