Originally Posted by bobster65
KK being a MOD has nothing to do with it... he is one of my co-developers, that is why he responds to peoples inqueries..
Version 2 uses the YUI Tab View Component which uses the default Tab View CSS (same one that default vB bases the Profiles off of) the CSS Skin file is all commented, so it is super easy to edit for non CSS Guru's, but built so that Advanced users can also take advantage to customize beyond the basics if they so choose to.
We are just finishing up with the Install Doc. Beta 2.0 will be released by this weekend.
I didn't mean it that way, I would have just said we aren't as lucky, but because he was Mod, I decided to pick on that

To any other member, I have just said "None of us are as lucky as you" or something.
Sounds great so far though, keep it up, I can't wait for 2.0