Originally Posted by Xtrato
It looks good , i like it , good concept , unique of course, good use of header and footer.
The main page seems to have a lot going on , not sure if thats really necessary, but just seems that its overloaded.
I do like your site however, the buttons "hover" state, are ok , they can be improved, quote sectons is good, post bit is quie nice.
Good work i would say 
Thnak you so much for taking the time to look around. It really has been allot of work. What 'busy' parts would you remove from the main page? Just curious.
I agree with the hover buttons, haven't quite decided what I want to change (if). I really think the designer hit the nail on the head with the post bit. I asked for something like that but he completely went beyond my expectations on that part.
Thanks again...