Originally Posted by Cocko
Thanx for this great add-on. Just installed, translated and try how its working.
I have done all maintenance manually.
Logged in as admin, the visit activity shows 0%. Don't know where is calculated.
Some of my settings:
Find today's activity for all users: Yes (and No - tried both)
Find today's activity for logged-in user: Yes
Show activity breakdown in tooltip: Yes (here at tooltip, visit activity: 0%)
Originally Posted by FAQ
I just installed and everyone's activity seems low - Part of the activity calculation is what days users visited on. This information isn't collected before the mod is installed, so no user can have 100% activity untill you've been running the mod for the full period of time you have it set to monitor
- Please realize that there is no "roll over" for activity; if you have it set to look at 4 posts per day, your users must post 4 posts on each individual day to obtain 100%.
Your visit activity will start at zero, because vBulletin does not track when you visited before you install the mod.