Sorry about the error with creating new teams. I deleted a part of the code when i was adding permissions to limit number of teams created per user. Fixed in next release (hopefully out in few hours

Originally Posted by conker1
installed, but when i try join to Tournament script said me "You are not Leader of any team so you cannot join this tournament. Click here to go back to the tournament.".
All Permissions is done.
Are you trying to enter a team tournament? If you are you need to be team leader to enter a team into a tournament.
Originally Posted by Chris11987
When making a tournament thread, the original post adds a bunch of slashes to the bb code.
Another error, this ones pretty big:
I hosted a 32 person tournament, and one of the people advanced to the bracket BELOW them. Like person #2 advanced to the bracket that should be the winner of Person #3, and Person #4. I can't regress him, and I can't advance either of the people that are REALLY supposed to be in that bracket, resulting in the tournament being broken and unable to finish.
edit: I was finally able to regress him and get things back on track, but now there's another problem. In the final round of the tourney, iI had my username and another's in the finals. I kept trying to progress my name to the winner bracket, but whenever the page reloaded, it would remain the same. Another member was able to do it for me for some reason, to the other member.
Fixed tournament thread issue.
There was error with the javscript which prevented one of the players in round 5 winning - fixed it now.