I can see on vB 3.7.3 that somehow the Field "Kill" is created on the "thread" table, and that the Mod allows the User to Stablish the Status Killed (1) or Revived (0) for that Field for each Thread.
But somehow in the Plugin "topicKill - Show Killed Icon" that corresponds to a "threadbit_process", the Code
// show killed folder?
if (($thread['killed']) && ($vbulletin->options['topicKill_enabled'])) {
$thread['statusicon'] = '_killed';
don't detects the field $thread['killed'], not even by using it directly on the threadbit Template; what is wrong in that sentence that vB 3.7.3 don't read the Field "Killed" of the Table "thread" for the respective Thread?
I think the logic of the Sentence is right but it beats me why vB373 don't read the value of the field "killed" from the table "thread".
Perhaps this same thing is happening on the Plugin "topicKill - Template Edits" on the Code lines,
$vbulletin->templatecache['threadbit'] = preg_replace('#\$thread\[lastpostdate\] \"\.\(\(\!\$show\[\'detailedtime\'\]\) \? \(\"<span class=\\\"time\\\">\$thread\[lastposttime\]</span>\"\) : \(\"\"\)\)\.\"<br />#i', '".(($thread[killed] == FALSE) ? ("$thread[lastpostdate] " . ((!$show[\'detailedtime\']) ? ("<span class=\"time\">$thread[lastposttime]</span>") : ("")) . "<br />") : ("last post<br />"))."', $vbulletin->templatecache['threadbit']);
somehow seems like the Code isn't detecting the Condition "$thread[killed] == FALSE" and always assigns it a False Value (0) or perhaps Nothing, so it always displays the default Code without the Changes when Killed = 1 (TRUE).
I hope
Coders Shack or other Forumer with Experience can give us the Solution.