Originally Posted by gator777
I was having a hard time running Youtube videos. I kept getting "we're sorry, this video is no longer available"
Well, I uninstalled and reinstalled the definitions, and searched the www for an answer. I also read where Youtube may be conducting maintenance and periodically shuts down the embeds. Well, I installed and reinstalled the definition, and went so far as to install v2.5.
Anyway, I finally got the videos to work, but v2.5 is not displaying the default container, so I thought I would let you know. It displays the video without a container, even though "container" is filled in. Also, I will keep track of the "we're sorry, this video is no longer available" issue as well.
Hey Gator, if you read through the features of 2.5, you will see that a validation feature has been added. What this feature does is check the destination page you are embedding to determine if the video can be embedded. If it cannot be embedded, a link (with an icon) is shown instead. This feature was added to help users who were getting confused by the 'video no loner availible' message. Truth is, the video is still available, however it isnt availableisn'tavailable for embedding any longer (check the youtube page out and you will see that embedding has been disabled).