Originally Posted by KHALIK
How do you delete teams? as someone has created a inappropriate team name.
Can you restrict it to 1 create a team per userid only, rather than having multiple teams created by 1 member/userid.
The most important are these 2 things, especially able to delete teams.
p.s. Disabled create function until, moderators/admins/leaders can able to delete teams.
I'm going to be adding more permissions for editing/ deleting teams. Including team limit per usergroup.
Originally Posted by WNxWakko
I found another issue. When I click on the Join Team link of someone elses team, the page refreshes, the join link disappears and it doesnt join me to that team.
You will not display on that the team list until you have been accepted by leader of the team.
Originally Posted by valendono
I try it. I see on 2.3.7 already space on it. And I upgrade it. still got error messages invalid date.
What I do next is I put print out ..
echo $day;
echo '<br />';
echo $month;
echo '<br />';
echo $year;
$hour = $vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('p', 'time', TYPE_INT);
$days = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $month, $year);
And I got 0 result..
and if I remove this
if ($day > $days OR $day == 0) {
$errormessage = "Error: Invalid Date";
eval('print_output("' . fetch_template('STANDARD_ERROR') . '");');
I can create tournament but the date come to 30-11-99 (default ?)
Last I can make tournament normally is 13-09-08. I dont know which version it is.
Any chance to fix it ?
Your create new tournament form is not 'posting' the data properly, hence the variables are just 0. Have you reverted the template tmnt_new?
Originally Posted by OcR Envy
Missing phrase is displayed on all redirect messages?
I havent added any redirect messages so it should just redirect without delay.
No way remove the thread option from the details display?
I'll look into removing it as option in admincp.
images/buttons/report.gif is not a default image location on a 3.7 install
I think it is, it is used for reporting posts. (I have not added any custom images to my board)
When selecting "Team" from the options it still only gives 1v1 and LMS as the types. Obviously this options are not correct for team play.
For team 1v1 you will need to selected type: '1v1' and 'teams', etc.
Also my styling is way off when adding/editing a tournament. This could possibly be my custom skin but I'm not sure. All I got for now guess I still need to wait for a few more updates to go live
I believe I might have used <th> tags accidentally. I'll fix it in next version.