update: Now have cache folder setup, with working code making a cache file for each team/game once an hour.
Now to turn it back on, and see if we can start getting more of more directly ported into vb
and to start learning how to set it up for to be configurable in the acp, vs external files.
--------------- Added [DATE]1222138502[/DATE] at [TIME]1222138502[/TIME] ---------------
Future Reference, creating a cached xml file, this is excellent code for getting the job done:
PHP Code:
//Put the xml file you are calling: (Edit)
$query = "replace_with_url_of_the_xml_file_you_are_calling.xml";
//Gets Current time, so you can decide how long to keep your files(do not edit)
$currentTime = microtime(true);
//replace cache/ with a folder you have created with read/write access or chmon 777
$cache = 'cache/'.md5($query);
//First check for an existing version of the time, and then check
//to see whether or not it's expired. (replace 3600 with the number of seconds
//to keep file before getting a new version of the file)
if(file_exists($cache) &&
filemtime($cache) > (time()-3600)) {
//If there's a valid cache file, load its data.
$data = file_get_contents($cache);
} else {
//If there's no valid cache file, grab a live version of the
//data and save it to a temporary file. Once the file is complete,
//copy it to a permanent file. (do not edit)
$data = file_get_contents($query);
$tempName = tempnam('cache/','YWS');
file_put_contents($tempName, $data);
rename($tempName, $cache);
//Loads file into simplexml.
$xml = simplexml_load_string($data);
------------------------------end this update-------------------------------------------------------