Hello All,
Great after fixing own error by not uploading the edit files.
I everything is working well.
Now only a few things Idev lets you pass
:>Additional Order Details (optional pass-thru variables) via the >Alternate Cart Integration.
There are three Variables one can add to:
With I guess can be added to the
$idevQuery = "idev_saleamt=" . $apiobj->paymentinfo['amount'] . "&ip_address=" . $apiobj->paymentinfo['ipaddress'] . "&idev_ordernum=" . $apiobj->paymentinfo['paymentinfoid'];
Concatenating the optional variables that you have set in Idev-affiliate.
"&idev_custom1=" . $apiobj->paymentinfo['extra'];
also I noticed that variable for the order ID being passed is the table ID in a database. Not a transaction number or hash needed to look up the status of the order in the back end.
You cannot search this ID number in the back of Vbulletin administrator for transactions logs etc.
Also we should look into payment reversals.
To take away the commission in case of payment reversal.
Still this is fantastic progress.