Originally Posted by Keyser Soze
Don't blame the authors of this mod for your corrupt database tables and/or your weak server hardware. Repair your database tables using mysql and buy faster hardware. This mod is not responsible for the "Lost connection to MySQL server during query"-error and everything is working fine with this mod on my forum, even on 3.7.3.
Not a very helpful reply so I'll just ignore it...
To help anyone who might have a similar problem that I have had importing some of the geodata files... The problem is the amount of data being important and the speed at which it is trying to enter your database. Some of the geodata files contain much more info then others. Yes, due to my server configuration there is a timeout issue which can not be solved on my server side. However, it can be easily solved within the code of this mode and some changes which I am working on. The changes will only be to the amount of data and speed that important info from the geodata files are allowed to be transfered to your database. I am working on a way to slow it so it you can match settings on your server so there will no longer be any time outs. There will be a new setting within the admincp to pick an import speed similar to the setting of when you change the attachment storage type from database to the file system with the admincp.
When I have this coded and worked out I will post some instructions for anyone else who might have experienced this problem.
Thanks for a great mod... it is by far the best map system we have for vb to date. I wish we could hear from the developer once and a while here.