Works Fine, Thank You Very Much For the Update. :up:
One Question:
I have a problem with one Hack that should be Overwriting the Plugin (Answer Forums - Show answered/notanswered In Forum), that Edits the Threadbit to Include the "Answered" and "Unanswered" Prefix, so is only being displayed for the Moved Threads and for the other ones isn't being Displayed.
(You Can See It Here:
(On my Test Forum they're being Displayed Ok, but on that Test Forum I only have 5 Hacks Installed, included this one; inside the Thread on it's First Post Title the Prefix is Displayed without any Problem).
Could you Please share with me/us the
Code that I/we can Include in the
Threadbit Template to
Include the Prefixes, and the
Place I should Include them (Before/After what Code)??

(The Idea is to Disable the Specific Plugin (Answer Forums - Show answered/notanswered In Forum) and to Manually Edit the Template to Obtain the Prefixes).
This Code can also be useful to Include Flags on the Threadbit Template to Visually Indicate the Status of the Answers (Green Flag or Red Flag), so it will be very useful for all the Users of this Mod.
I Appreciate Your Help.
My Best Regards, and Again Congratulations for this Useful Mod. :up: