Original Referencing Thread:
This is the time we can really hurt ebay and take the wind out of the their sail. striking this holiday season will cost them more then they wanted to bargain for.
Starting October 1st, and Ending it on Jan 1, lets do it again! I know it will be difficult to do so, being it is the most craziest time of the year for sales and ebay is still holding as the largest marketplace online, but there are other places out there (most of the large ones are on the forums here) and you can market to other places easily. ebay is NOT needed anymore and we can prove that to them this year.
spread the word, and lets hold down our position, not giving up or giving into ebays greed, their fee structure hikes, and show them that we just dont need them as much as they think we do.
so what do we have to do to not give into ebay? just dont buy and sell things on ebay at all.
dont use paypal, period. by doing these small changes, all of us, we can do a lot.