I think I understand what you are saying. From what I read, vBCommerce, allows to do the stuff you named in your first post and if you buy the correct license, you can do what you just said. All premium members get a free (well not so free since I paid for premium membership, but you get my point), unlimited shops license which allows anyone to make a shop and sell what they want presumably. Though when you are doing cash for credits, you only get the money, so there may be a way to modify or even ask the developer's opinion for that because vBCommerce is only for credits, not cash. Though, if you don't choose that route, you could always pay a coder to create a system for you, but that could get pretty costly.
For my forum, I am going to have actual items and virtual items. It works well because people can pay each other for psd's, tutorials, and resources and stuff and if they get a ton of credits, buy actual items from me. I also have a casino mod that allows people to bet to get more money and I am going to buy the cash to points conversion mod. Hopefully, this will work well.