Originally Posted by smacklan
Haha, this is true, but not the main reason for my sour tone. I just really think vb is wandering around and expending a lot of energy on stuff most board owners don't want or will never use. I could be wrong, but I have a feeling I'm not 
I think the main reason they added these features was because of the demand of their core group of customers. More of these sites use the Social Group features then don't. Especially larger boards.
Originally Posted by Rene Kriest
vb 3.8 is great news to me and I really love the changes. I really appreciate your effort to make vb even better all the times. 3.8 will give the vb fans a small preview on what kind of functions and style is going to be implemented in the highly anticipated vb 4.
One thing that I would really like to see here at vb is a list of compatible add-ons for new vb versions when 3.8 is out for sale.
I would really like to upgrade to 3.8 (3.9/4/5/6  ) when it is available but I really need to know whether most of my used 3.7.X add-ons will or won't be compatible with 3.8. Giving out such a list or maybe a feature restricted 3.8 version for testing purpose would really be an edge to me and many of the (c)raving vb fans.
I need to know how 3.8 works for me before upgrading. It won't make much sense to me to buy respectively upgrade from 3.7.X to 3.8 just to recognize that most of my currently used add-ons won't work. And it takes some time until coders and testers comment on add-ons threads regarding compatibility issues.
Thank you in advance!
It's a little early for a list to be out, being that no one but the vBulletin team has access to 3.8. The 3rd party developers wouldn't know that without being able to test it, and Jelsoft is unlikely to be testing hundreds of modifications to find out either. If vB.org holds true to form, when 3.8 is released then they'll open a 3.8 modifications section. But it will be up to the respective authors of your modifications to let you know when and if they are compatible with 3.8. And by "when and if" I mean when and if they get around to it.