I'm sorry, it's like you're talking to a rock.
I'm really new to vBulletin >.>
I'm not really trying to edit it *from* vBulletin itself.
I'm trying to basically copy a template (say, one you'd upload and install).
Look at that seems much easier. I downloaded one to investigate, and it looks like all the coloring information and stuff is in that one file.
That's kind of what I'm aiming at doing.
Seems a lot easier to me.
Now what I'm wanting is just a very basic one (perhaps like, an actual default template download) that I can edit myself to get my desired results.
Looking in the styles manager options and whatnot, there's just a lot of stuff there that I wouldn't even know where to start with. I found this
color map reference and was going to use that to go down through a default sheet, fill in the colors and whatnot that I wanted, and take it from there.